Aaron and Amy came to fit Juan with a new shoe. Remember Juan's foot when he could only walk on top of the hoof? Well, his shoes have been working well, stretching the tendon and helping Juan have a more natural step.
Aaron is a shoeing genius. He can see what the animal needs then make it.
Farrier work is not easy.
It takes a lot of skill.
Would you look at that shoe? No store bought off the rack shoes for Juan. He wears especially made footwear. There is a purpose for every piece of metal.
Juan is a patient boy. He knows Aaron is helping him. Neither Aaron nor Dr D had ever attempted to repair a deformed foot like this. Good job!!!!!
Heel Toe Heel Toe Point. Juan could join the River Dance Troupe.
Off he goes. Because the tendon is stretching Juan gets a little Bute now and then if he gets sore. Look at him move.
Not only did I miss yesterday's foot care, but this morning Jim found a dead raccoon and a bloody Keecha dog. Keecha is OK but will get some antibiotics for a few days. Mac was guarding the "dead thing" and did not want Jim to have it.
Wait!!! There's more that I missed. This afternoon while I was having lunch with Holley in Gridley on the way back from Sac, Jim found a handsome young man at our gate. It was Ross Field from Channel 12, 24 and CWten10 to do a story on Home At Last. He did a great job. You can view it ActionNews Chico Ca then Home At Last. I'll try to get it on the blog and Facebook tomorrow.
We have already had a donation of one ton of hay. Thank you Mary and Dave at TJ Farms. Starting October 3 they are opening their pumpkin patch at 3600 Chico Avenue 3 miles west of Chico. There is no admission or parking charge. They supply the wagon and snippers. You cut your own pumpkin, then pay for it. Visit them and tell them Home At Last sent you.
Dunny has not had an abscess open yet, so his poor leg is still swollen. He's eating and drinking lots. That's good.
Just when I felt I had missed all the fun this beautiful basket of tomatoes appeared . We even have purple ones. They all are so sweet and delicious. They make a meal by themselves.
Thanks Action News. You did a fine job. We really appreciate it.
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