Saturday, December 4, 2010

Foggy Friday

The weathermen talk about the East and the Lake Effect on the states there. Because we are one hill away from Lake Oroville we have a lake effect, too. Mostly ours comes in the form of fog. You can see where the lake is as the fog rolls by.

All day long the fog rolled in, then out. In then out.

Stuart, Leeso, Smokey and Jake didn't much care about the weather. Their main concern was their tummies. Those boys have been friends for a couple of years now. They share food, space and lots of grooming time.

This is the only citrus that survived the mule, donkey and mini onslaught. It looks pretty pitiful, but it is hanging in there. Sometimes I think it would make a good symbol for hope and tenacity. No matter what happens it just keeps growing.

The ranch seemed as though a painter came in today and dabbed the sanctuary with a huge sponge. All the edges were soft and blurry. There was nothing too far away.Everything was close. We were nestled in a foggy, damp cloud. It wasn't particularly cold, just a little moist.

The mountains have snow but we had a peaceful cloud blanket around us.

Jet and her friends came to the lower barn to see if the food was better there. I guess it was because they all stayed. Usually they are out with the big herd. (If there are typing mistakes today , it is because Feisty cat is insisting on being a helper. In my lap. On the computer. On my shoulder. On the table. Back in my lap.)

Everyone knows an odd couple. This is Home At Last's. Sweetie Pie is a 4 year old Hackney pony who was not adopted while at HorsePlus. They kept her for over a year and no one wanted her. She is wonderful with people. She has very little training but will do whatever is asked of her. I even found visiting kids on her back once and she just stood and enjoyed every minute of attention. She is not so kind to other equines, however. In fact she is THE main mare, THE main horse and the BOSS. Everyone watches for her flying hooves.
Her two best friends are Lady Bug mule and Tucker mule. I wonder if that means anything?
Tucker is her man. He defers to her mostly, but on occasion holds his own. If you remember Tucker is the boy who senses when an animal is dying. If someone is sick Tucker is right there, giving aid and comfort. If the animal is going to be OK Tucker stays for a bit, then lets the humans take over. If an animal is dying, then Tucker will not leave its side. He stays there to the end. He has done this so many times, we use him as one of the indicators and let the vet know. We all respect Tucker's special gift, even Dr Darling, who was amazed the first few times, but now accepts Tucker's diagnosis. Tucker has a bowed tendon, but he's always on the go.
Love is indeed strange.

Chardonnay, Aurora and Sunny gave a lesson in communication yesterday. They were in the big turnout, but getting chased from their hay quite frequently. As I fed, I told them when I got to the lower barn I'd put food in a stall for them and they could come in to eat. They usually go way down almost to the lower well for their meal, not the barn.
By the time I got to the lower barn Sunny was on her way up. I put food in the stall for her and closed her in. Shortly thereafter, Aurora made her way up and joined Sunny. By then Chardonnay had her own pile of hay at the fence line. I got a rope and started down to her. When she saw me she trotted by me and up to the barn. She waited until I got there and went in with her friends. They can stay in a few days enjoying stress free meals. They'll let me know when they are ready to go back out.

Talk about strange love. Yesterday Sparkle finally realized what a cutie Gracie is. He could not take his big beautiful eyes off of her. Gracie and Dobbin were having a nice meal together, but Sparkle wanted to be there with them.

Gracie moved. Sparkle moved. For a while I thought he might hurt her with his loving intentions. Dobbin certainly was not happy to be a part of the courtship.

Finally, Gracie put her dainty foot down and gave a delicate kick toward Sparkle. Sparkle is a gentleman and took his rejection "grace"fully (bad one I know). He stayed nearby but let her enjoy her meal without further ado. I can hardly wait til Spring to see what new romances will take place.

All day long. Fog In. Fog Out.

Yes, we were going to have company for dinner. What to clean this time? Nothing so mundane as the bathroom. Heavens, no. How about a shelf? The cooking, baking, dog medicine shelf begged for attention. How many 1/2 filled bottles can one have? Lots!!!!

Pretty darn straight now, even if I had to point it out to friends. They didn't notice much of a change. Jim did when he tried to find stuff to fix dinner. Have I told you I have the best of both worlds? I get to feed and play with the horses and Jim cooks!!! I don't even mind having to clean up.

While I cleaned the shelf and mopped the floor Jim cleaned his tools. Now I'm not much for criticizing when things get cleaned, but tools? OK they did look better than most of the house, but tools?

The solar panels and Mac took advantage of the few sunshine break throughs.

By late afternoon and evening the fog and rain were back. Love it!!!!! No flies. No 100+degrees heat. Toasty warm house and lots of hot tea.

Sparkle and Dobbin are always eating. Don't they both look so much better?

Met new friends yesterday as up the hill neighbors stopped by with a huge long very useful rope. They had heard about us and seen us as they passed. They wanted to see for themselves what we do. Jim and Jim had a good visit. We always love meeting new friends.

Dobbin didn't want to be left out of the guy talk.

Kate and Jim had a good visit, too. She has quite a few critters herself and has just rescued a puppy. Glad to meet you folks. Come back soon.

As darkness crept in Baby Jane and Gracie waited for Helen and Ron to come for dinner. We had a delicious dinner and played Cranium until way late. Life is good.

Thank you very much to Carla G for her generous donation. We are so blessed to have people who care for the animals. Thank you , everyone.

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