Monday, July 11, 2011

Saturday we spent the day in San Francisco. What more can I say? The bushman jumped about and scared folks. We ate great food. Went through the aquarium-lots of good sights there. Nibbled in Chinatown and came home tired and in need of critter time. Thanks to Laura, Linda and Brian who fed for us. It's wonderful to have folks you can rely on.
Sunday I had a horrendous migraine all day. Sympathy to all sufferers of that. Seldom do I get headaches, but this was a doozy.
Today it's back to regular, peaceful, busy and rewarding life on the sanctuary. We love the cooler weather. It was not too bad for Jim who had to replumb the upper tank with the help of Rico and Marnie. They had endless questions. What's this? What's that? Can I eat it? Can I hold it? Can you rub my back? Can you pet my nose? Can I get in the pump house? Oh look! A frog . Can I play with it? Finally, I got some hay for the upper bunch and they left him alone. Of course, the others behind the house wanted hay, too, but they'll have to wait until tonight.
Writing midday still feels weird, but my paradigms are getting stretched.
Frankie will not keep on a fly mask. He usually has it off before I make it to the gate. He, also, got a lesson in behavior from Stuart.
Stuart and Skittles are in the back yard now, and Frankie thought that maybe Stuart needed to see who was bigger. True Frankie is a good 17 hands high and Stuart is about 14.2. And Frankie does have a BIG horse attitude. Stuart is a Kiger mustang and decided Frankie could learn a lesson, too, so when Frankie snaked his head at Stuart, Stuart merely turned his rump to him and lifted a hind foot. Lesson over. New respect for the smaller guy. Now peace reigns again in the back yard.
Thanks, Cathy S for your continued support. We need and appreciate it.

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