Thursday, July 28, 2011

Short Blog

Dr Darling our vet was here today. We did the hard evaluations on the critters we are most concerned about. Several of the animals on last time's Watch List have done very well. Rosie, Moon Dancer and Babe are holding their own. Sadly, Tess, Callie, Jonathan, Star and Tiger Lily are not doing so well. Even though they have more than enough to eat and have large, full bellies, their hips are thin and the food they are eating is not being well processed.
It is wonderful to have a vet who cares for and treats our animals as though they are million dollar show horses.Watch Animal gets the best care, love and respect. Thank you, Dr D for adding dignity to their lives. Not all vets feel that way about rescues.
AnnaBelle does indeed have a cleft palate. It is deep in her mouth and throat and will be a risky surgery, if it can be done at all. Dr D will check with other surgeons and give AnnaBelle the best treatment she can get. It is a certainty that someday she will get food in her lungs and get pneumonia and that she will choke. She's managed so far to do OK and we want her to have the best possible life. She also got her teeth floated and her vaccinations.
Our Newest Arab boy had his feet trimmed the other day and today got his teeth floated and sheath cleaned. He is about 30, thin, but full of life.
When AnnaBelle and Our Newest were taken away from the backyard herd, the herd all stood at the fence nickering and waiting for them. What a welcome they got when they sobered up.
Time to feed.
Thought for the day or tomorrow- Not All Speech Has Value.

1 comment:

  1. Simple and interesting .,,, hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

    Sample Evaluation
