From Jim: Well, Happy New Year! Time for writing the wrong year on stuff for about two months. Time for mourning the passing of DOA resolutions. Time to kick the can on down the road on issues and projects that were "For Sure" gonna get done in 2011. Isn't that just the way of it? We're not really into making resolutions based on the calender. We tend to get committed to stuff as it comes up. Doesn't mean it gets done any quicker or more certainly, just puts the disappoints on a longer schedule. Losing weight is the number one resolution that folks make each year. I would do that, but it would get in the way of eating. The best thing anyone can do for themselves seems to be to quit smoking, if they're doing that. Then I guess more exercise and a healthier life style would come next. I know being peaceful and really trying to get along with others is a positive trait. For sure, loving on your pets can help with this. They're so willing to share their peace. Around here, we're believers in serving a cause beyond yourself. Finding something meaningful and worthwhile and quietly working at it is a good thing for being at peace. Being for others, random acts of anonymous kindness, sacrificing a little comfort or self-indulgence so that another creature can have the necessities, being kind and gentle as a mark of strength, these are some things that create peacefulness and a quiet mind. Getting "I" statements under control helps. Listening more helps. None of these are destinations, just part of the journey. 2012 gives us another chance to drive forward with our goals and aspirations. I hope your new year is the best one you have ever had, until 2013!
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