Saturday, February 25, 2012

Horse Angels

There are people in this great big world who lift our spirits and make us glad for what we do. Beautiful Chad is alive because so many of you care.

Frankie was able to have his two cancerous tumors removed because so many of you care.
Kim is able to be with his little herd, even though he is very lame. All these animals and many more are alive and well because you care. Thank you to our January and February Horse Angels- Barbara R, Barbara Z, Becky R, Carla G, Chris M, Christina F, Debra C, Dorothy J, Edie D, Eileen G, Evelyn A, Glennis R, Kate M, Linda G, Linda K, Linda W, Lisette L, Lorie H, Mary R, Maurya F, Naomi J, Rae M , Rebecca F, Ron W, Ruth C, Susan R, Stephanie I, Tim D, Ursula C, and Valerie D.

Your generosity and support is GREAT!!!!!!

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