Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mia Culpa...

From Jim: The last few days around here have not been full of giggles. The hard realities of my failure to inspire enough support to keep our herd alive has been very hard to swallow. Several kind folks have responded and we truly appreciate it. We'll use the donations to keep as many of the critters alive as we can. The numbers are just not good. I have spent many hours thinking about how I might have done better. When your failure results in the death of others, it's a hard place to be. The response from those who offered their support and sent donations meant a lot. We will go forward from here, as best we can. Our old mule, Juan, who is a great soul and is always willing to share his peace with us came to see me yesterday while I was filling his watering tank. He placed his beautiful head on my chest, as he's done so often, and in his clearest voice said, "Please don't kill us". I know, you probably don't believe that an old mule can do that and that I'm simply projecting my own feelings. That's not who I am and that's not what I do. You come talk with Juan if you think I'm wrong about this. I suspect, it you're willing to listen, he'll share with you too.

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