Wednesday, February 8, 2012


From Jim: This is a bunch of updates on a bunch of things in no particular order. Laz continues to heal up from his "mule episode" and will have the pins taken out of his foot next Thursday. He's been a patient good boy with his clunky cast and limited freedom to move about. We're all hoping for a good outcome, but it was a very severe injury and only time will tell if his foot will function properly. Kitty has made some real progress with her poor eyes. Her allergy to UV light has really taken a toll. Irene has washed and treated her sore eyes and the winter sun is not as harsh. Also, the absence of flies has helped. She's a sweet old horse and it's hard to see her struggle with this lifelong problem. Spring should tell us a lot. Tiger, Sugar, Rosie, Cricket, Cash and Maggie are all at the very end of their life cycle and we know we'll have to face the inevitable pretty soon. There are several others that will be placed on a watch list. It's one of the hardest parts of having the sanctuary, but one of the most important. Quality of life and the assurance of a peaceful and pain free end is one of our primary responsibilities. The wells have made a reasonable comeback, but without more rain, this will be a tough and long summer. We are not amused by the projections of $5.00 gasoline and diesel. Rats! Some of our newest residents are making good progress towards trusting us and being comfortable with our kind. They are always a happy challenge and we feel privileged to work with them. As we get ready for the end of winter and beginning of spring, the miracles of rebirth and renewal are awaiting us. It's hard to believe we're already into February. Time to get ready for morning chores now. Have a wonderful day!

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