Monday, July 26, 2010

Last night after I fed but before I went to bed I looked out to see Jonathan trying to visit with Dobbin. Dobbin stayed about 6 feet a head of Jonathan and round and round the calf pen they went. Last I saw of them Dobbin was heading up the hill with Jonathan close on his heels. This morning they decided to eat their grain in close proximity, but this afternoon found Jonathan under the horse trailer and Dobbin by the tree near the house. We'll see what dinnertime brings.
Dobbin is a sweet bot who enjoys a good scratching. His tail is much fuller and hairier than any of the other donkeys. His hair is longer and very soft.

Rosie couldn't get enough to eat. She ate and ate yesterday and was ready for breakfast this morning.
Cricket is not so frightened any more. Sometimes we can even give her little pets.

Lucky continues to be the boss. Let Jake or Pico or Quincy come near and he bares his teeth and chases them away. He's OK with people, even letting us pet him.

Rosie's poor tail was rubbed raw.

A little SWAT will help it heal.
Rico is a happy boy now that he is with is herd.

Pedro is the leader.

Pedro and Ruby share a lot of meals. Ruby has had many jobs- race horse, polo pony, brood mare, riding horse. She's ready for a nice retirement.

Bobbie is fitting in nicely with this herd. She can be bossy, but has found her own spot.

Daisy likes her Levi. She is content as long as he is near.

The squash on the little hill seem to believe the old saying Bloom where you are planted.

Star, Belle and Charles always look forward to their morning grain.

The roosters don't want to be left out.

The little hen says, "The roosters may crow, but the hens do all the work."
Thanks to everyone who makes Home At Last a real sanctuary for the critters.

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