From Jim: Today Mac got his wings. His connective tissue cancer had progressed to the point we could no longer control his pain. He would cry throughout the night. It was no good. He's at peace now, no more pain. As I've told you before, Mac was a good dog. He was loyal and well behaved. He had a sweet personality. He really enjoyed sleeping by the wood stove and getting petted. I will miss Mac a lot. There was no doubt that it was his time and that is comforting. See you at the rainbow bridge old boy. Laz will have some surgery tomorrow to pin the broken bones in his foot. All four of the metatarsal bones were fractured, leaving no choice but to pin a couple of them to properly align the bones so they could heal. Then a cast for 6 or so weeks. That should do it. Mules are not dog friendly. Glad they didn't kill Laz, as they easily could have. Whatever would we do without Dr. Darling? It's been a very long spell without rain and the wells are not as productive as I'd like. We're on a careful H2O management program for the time being. The herd still uses about 2500 gallons a day. Glad it's not gardening season! The sanctuary keeps us on our toes, that's for sure. I'll have to go for hay again tomorrow. Our feed bill runs around $140 a day. Donations have been hard to come by. This economy is hard on everyone. We just plug along, day at a time, getting on with caring for the critters and trying to keep our heads above water. (I said that because of the well situation) Brian and Linda are engaged! How great is that?! We hope all our friends will find peace and happiness in the new year. We are so blessed and wish that for each of you!
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