Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Day! I'll take it!

From Jim: Boy, Oh Boy! Yesterday was not gonna make the list of favorites for me. That said, today holds the promise of being a whole lot better. We'll check on Laz this afternoon and see how his surgery went. It'll be good to have him on the mend. I'm going for some hay a little later this morning. It's always fun to see Lyle. It'll be a generator day. It's too cloudy for the solar panels. Marcus set up the diesel generator so well that it's just not a problem anymore. We'll continue with the water management issues, but they're much more in hand. The lower herd will have to readjust to different water tanks. They're pretty smart and that won't be much of problem for them. Sweety Pie, our Hackney Pony, splashes too much water out of the big tank anyway. She loves to play in the water. Brian and Linda gave us a load of firewood for Christmas. What a great present, maybe almost perfect. Unlike a lot of presents, it's really OK to throw it in the fire. It's more than heartwarming. And we won't have to find a place for it in the Spring. Perfect! Our work here at the sanctuary is generally a peaceful and quiet undertaking. There's usually not much drama or stress. I think yesterday was disquieting and unpleasantly disorganized. Those days happen, but it's sure good to have them fade away. The high spots, in the midst of the chaos, came a few moments here and there to love the some of the critters. Aaron reset Juan's corrective shoe last evening. Juan was fine with that as long as he was getting his face and ears rubbed. Got to know Jackson, our new white mule, a little better. Quest was a pocket Appy and Cal was the Arabian version. All in all, there were some good moments, but I won't mind waiting for quite a while before there's another one like yesterday.

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