Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let the digging begin!...

From Jim:  This morning Don, our good next door neighbor will bring his serious-big backhoe over and start digging the drainage for the upper barn!  Hurray!  The barn flooded several times this last winter during some of the biblical downpours-like 6 to 10 inches and hour.  The current drainage was just overwhelmed.  Don is a blessing.  Dr. Darling will be here again today.  There are a bunch of critters that need floats and we still have a few that have reached their time and will be getting their wings.  Babe, our POA, and Cash, an OTT will be a last act of kindness today.  They are now so old and so frail.  We have  loved both of them and I'll dedicate a whole blog to telling their stories.  The sanctuary promises the animals that their welfare is the prime concern and that places the burden on us to do the right thing for them.  We never like it and will never get used to it, but we will always honor our responsibility to the wonderful creatures.  Thank Goodness for Dr. Darling.  His wise and knowing counsel makes our difficult choices bearable.  I hope you had a chance to read yesterday's blog.  As I grow older, I realize that I don't know a lot, but I do know a few things.  I know that we need to live our lives to fullest, everyday, all of the time.  There's a limit on our time here.  We need to make the most of every moment.  I hope you have a wonderful and joyful day, full of the wonder and surprizes that are waiting just around the corner.  Oh, and love on your critters.  Those are good moments for sure!

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